Waste Disposer Makes Compostable Real
Random disposal, simple stacking and treatment of garbage will cause many problems. For example, it will destroy the good living environment, pollute the water, soil, air and other environment, then cause a large number of mosquitoes and bacteria to breed, and increase the probability of infectious diseases, and so on.
The implementation of garbage classification can improve our living environment, and can reduce the pollution of garbage to the environment, so as to protect people's health. If we fully sort out the recyclables in the garbage and collect the valuable garbage for reuse, we can greatly reduce the source of garbage and generate considerable economic benefits.
Different disposal methods of different wastes can greatly reduce the final landfill volume, greatly save the landfill site and reduce environmental pollution.
  • 2017.03.18
    • On March 18, 2017, the General Office of the State Council issued "Notice on Forwarding the Implementation Plan of the Domestic Garbage Classification System of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development"
  • 2017.10.18
    • On October 18, 2017, the National Agency Affairs Administration, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Central Propaganda Department, and the Departmental Affairs Management Bureaus of the Central Committee issued the "Notice on Promoting the Classification of Domestic Garbage in Public Institutions such as Party and Government Organs".
  • 2017.12.20
    • On December 20, 2017, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the "Notice on Accelerating the Classification of Domestic Waste in Some Key Cities"
In the process of storage, sorting, shipping and landfilling of kitchen waste, because of its high moisture content and organic compound composition, it is very easy to decompose and become smelly and grow bacteria and viruses in a relatively short period of time, which greatly damages the surrounding environment.

At present, three methods are commonly used to treat domestic waste in China: landfill, centralized incineration and fermentation. However, because the moisture content of food waste is usually as high as 90% and above, and the calorific value is only 2200~3205kJ/kg, it fails to meet the calorific value standard of incineration power generation (ie 5000kJ/kg and above), it even will lead to insufficient incineration of garbage incinerators and causes organic waste gas.

Therefore, it is obviously not appropriate to take centralized incineration treatment immediately; If landfill or fermentation is adopted, the problem of excessive moisture content of kitchen waste will also exist
As one of the first pilot cities of classified collection of domestic garbage in China, Hangzhou has established and improved regulations and policies for the treatment of domestic garbage, and systematically promoted classified delivery, classified collection, classified transportation and classified treatment.

There are 2031 living quarters, and 1,827 various agencies, enterprises and institutions that carry out garbage classification, the garbage classification coverage reaches more than 85%. It has achieved steady expansion of classified coverage, continuous improvement of classified quality, and effective improvement of city appearance and environment.

And Hangzhou has been successfully selected into the first batch of domestic garbage classification demonstration cities in China.The Hangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau has always insisted on "no small matter around the people" and made every effort to promote garbage sorting and disposal. Recently, it has been fully affirmed in the special research work of the Ministry of Finance.

In the process of implementing "garbage classification" in Meihuabei Community, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, there is a problem that it is difficult to separate dry and wet kitchen garbage. Residents in the community have been troubled by the separation of kitchen garbage. In order to solve the problem of difficult classification and disposal of kitchen garbage in the canteen of Meihuabei Community, our company cooperated with Meihuabei Community and installed the intelligent garbage processor CY-S2P under the sink for the commercial house residents in Meihuabei Community which can automatically grind the kitchen garbage and carry out garbage separation. People in this community can directly treat the waste water and compostable waste from the machine when they treat kitchen garbage, and the machine can also be sterilized with one click after treatment.


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